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This autumn tradition is a feast of seasonal foods and wine. New wine is tasted and traditional dishes, in-house produce and chestnuts are served. The name derives from the wine press “Torkel” and indeed, the custom originated in the Valle Isarco where, after the grape harvest, farmers would come together to taste the new wine. Along with the wine, the host would also serve some bits and bites.
Farmer Luis and his wife Marianna will treat you to typical dishes like dumplings, “Schlutzer” (spinach ravioli), potato dough patties and Sauerkraut followed by chestnuts and “Krapfen” (fritters) for dessert. Along with the food of course, new wine, also called “Süßer” because of its sweet taste, is served.
From mid September to the beginning of December our Törggele kitchen is open daily, Monday - Friday from 5 pm to 11 am and on weekends from 12 pm to 11 am.
Appartments in BarbianoRoter Hahn SüdtirolValle Isarco, South TyrolHolidays Valle Isarco